What’s that?

you love the arts as much as we do?

Explore ways you can support Creative Taranaki Trust


The work to date is by koha of those involved. The current official resource capacity for Creative Taranaki is limited, but with your help, we can increase our collective capacity. It is a shared dinner scenario where previously there was none, now there is a table for us all to put forward what we can spare for the nourishment of each other.

Whether it’s a straight donation, leftover industrial resources, spare time to volunteer, administration support, connection, or sponsorship. Through Creative Taranaki, we can connect it where it is most needed, and brings the most value to all. 


Our resources and outputs are designed to bring value to you.

To do so, we need; your feedback to ensure they align with the value you seek, your engagement to demonstrate support to increase the breadth of our value channels, and your participation so we can deliver that value and promote our value to the wider community and nation.


The wider we can connect, the more participation we can engage, the more shared value we can bring. The more awareness and clear sightlines there are within the community and sector, the easier it is to link those in need with those who can help.